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Choose your subscription

Which package is best for me?

We have 3 different AIAG packages depending on the actions you want carried out for after you are gone.
Choose the package that most suits your needs and budget.

See what's included and select your package.

Our Packages



  • Share Message with loved one

  • Share Video Message

  • Daily Check-In

  • Self-Notify (no friend confirmation)

$ 99.99 /Year

$ 9.99 / year

  • Share Message with loved one

  • Share Video Message

  • Daily Check-In

  • Self-Notify (no friend confirmation)

$ 99.99 /Year

$ 99.99 / year

  • Share Message with loved one

  • Share Video Message

  • Daily Check-In

  • Self-Notify (no friend confirmation)

$ 99.99 /Year

$ 99.99 / year

  • Share Simple Message

  • Share Video Message

  • Remote Delete

  • Daily Check-In

  • Self-Cleanse

  • Self-Notify (no friend confirmation)

Get started for FREE now and ensure your loved ones get all the information they need.

Share a video message using our Video Sharing package ONLY $9.99 per year.

Video speaks louder than your last words.

Nothing beats speaking to someone face to face but after you are gone, a video message is the next best thing.

Upload a video and it will be shared with your loved one once your parting has been confirmed by the AIAG system.

Leave them with the words you want them to remember.

Why Self-Notify?

Self-notification ensures that you can control the share or deletion of data without using a friend for notification of your passing.

When selecting the 'Self Notify' package option you will receive a regular message requesting a response. Multiple 'non-responses' will result in the application creating a death event.

This enables a share of data and a message, once the event status is detected by the service.

The response frequency is controlled by you and customizable via the web portal.

See how AIAG protects your future, even when you are gone.

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