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Safeguard your legacy

Sign up and nominate loved ones and notifiers.

2. Notify.

When you pass away your notifier tells us securely via the website.

3. Activate.

If reported in error, you can cancel the action, otherwise the service is activated.

4. Share.

Your important messages are shared with your loved ones - no waiting around for certificates!

Why you can't live without AIAG.

When someone close dies it can leave a big burden on those we leave behind. Important data such financial accounts, house information, or other vital details could be lost or difficult to access which can add stress during an already difficult time. With After I Am Gone you can ease this burden by sharing vital information that your loved ones may need when you are no longer there.

Once activated by your 'notifier' (or by using our clever 'self-notify' method) and if the system hasn't received a response from you within a specified time frame the application automatically shares desired information or a message with a loved one;

Secure access + we don't store your data.
Share important data with loved ones.
Loved ones can find your vital information.

Whether you choose to use a friend to confirm your death or our innovative self-notify function, After I Am Gone will allow the required information to be shared, ensuring your significant others can access anything you would want them to.

The 'Self Notify' function allows a folder to be shared including a uploaded video message or other data kept in this location.

We only store enough information to assist your 'loved ones' in handling your affairs when you are no longer around and do not store any account information that could lead to financial loss - your information is safe with us and will be safely delivered to only those who need it most.

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