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All you need to know

About Us

Who are we? After I Am Gone has been developed by Pranav and Atul, with assistance from a talented team sourced from around the globe.

Having personally experienced multiple family deaths of late we were struck with how the same problem in relation to the release of important information would be very helpful to the bereaved when they are dealing with the fallout of the loss of a loved one.

This gave us the thought of an online service that would release sensitive information on someone’s death. The next problem was that of notification. Some public records are not updated straight away and for this reason we thought of our friends and family once again. If you are lucky enough, you will have those who would be notified quickly in the event of your death and those friends and family can be a more reliable source of information than official records.

We built the AIAG service to assist people when they die and to try and help loved ones move on more easily by having access to important information that may not have been shared earlier.

What We Have built

AIAG is an application that is installed on you PC. Using the application you can specify the location of important information that you would like to share with a loved one upon your death and/or a folder containing sensitive information that you would want automatically deleted. This allows you to share important information that will be valuable to the ones you love such as the location of your will, or delete any sensitive files that may potential be distressful for them to know about for example embarrassing home videos.

If the application is not able to communicate with our servers for a predefined period of time, the relevant action is carried out.

We send a notification to a friend to confirm your death using a shared password before anything is actioned to guarantee information isn’t incorrectly shared or deleted, or if you don’t want to involve anyone else you can use our special ‘self notify’ option.

Actions we’re taking

We would like to continue to build the service by improving the application and enhancing our services. Please email us at to discuss any ideas you would like to suggest!

Our Mission

“Help make your passing easier for others”

“Provide people with a service that helps them carry out”

“Give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together” - Facebook


Download the After I Am Gone application here. Please note that registration is required to use the service – register here

Investor Opportunities

We are always interested in working with forward thinking partners who appreciate that service and quality are paramount, and we here to provide quality service at all times.

If you are interested in working with or investing in After I am Gone please contact :


What does the service do?

The service allows to user to share or delete information from their machine on their passing.

How do I use it?

Register for the service and download the application. Once registered you will have confirmation mails from those people you have chosen to notify the service or will be able to use the self-notification feature.

Which operating systems are supported?

At the moment, the After I Am Gone software can only be installed on the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. We are currently developing a MAC OS and a mobile application for iOS and Android so that you can also protect and share data from your Mac or mobile device.

Don't worry though, you don't need to install any software to use our web based service.

Do you have a mobile phone application?

On its way. V1.0 on iPhone is under development. Email for more information.

I don’t have anyone I can rely on – can I still use the service?

Yes, we understand that for some people there may not be a reliable notifier to use. In this case you can use the self-notify functionality which activates the service after non-response from yourself (request frequency customisable)

I am concerned about my data? What information do you store?

We do not share any information we do not need other than to activate and use the service. We use you name, email, notifiers email and nothing else.

We DO NOT store any information about the content or location or share message on our database. Your key information (drive/share message) is encrypted and stored locally within the application and only sent on your activation.

Is my data secure?

Yes. We use an encrypted database secured by a top provider that verifies their SSL security and we back this up with our strong 2-factor authentication system.

Is the site secure?

Yes. You can verify the security by clicking the padlock on your browser's URL bar. Our site is very secure and uses SSL to encrypt all communication on the internet.

What type of security do you use?

We encrypt data on all transmissions and use SSL to connect our database and users. We also take that a step further by using your mobile phone to provide 2-factor authentication.

What makes you better than other sites?

Our security is the difference between a bank vault and a biscuit tin.

Using strong passwords and 2-factor authentication, we ensure we always keep your data safe, and there to share when your loved-one(s) need it.

We take your data security seriously and are always striving to improve our security stance.

What are the chances of errors or false reports?

SMS and email will immediately alert you and you can configure the time elapsed before and information is shared via the user portal.

Can I change my information, and what does it cost?

You can change your personal information via the portal at any time for free.

Can I share anything?

You can share a location and message to a loved one or recipient.

Can I delete from multiple devices?

At the moment the service only allows works for one device and multiple deletions from multiple devices is a future iteration of the service we are looking at.

What if I have used a friend I no longer trust?

If you have a problem with a notifier this can be changed or updated by you at any time.

What if the notifier notifies you whilst I am alive?

The system will send you an email confirming that your service has been activated. You can cancel the activation of the service and no action will be taken for 24 hours to give you time to respond.

Why Do you charge annually?

We charge for an annual subscription as oppose to a monthly one so you only have to make one payment and are protected for an entire year. Also this means we don’t have to store your payment data making the service more secure.

what if i need more help or have some questions?

Get in touch with us by emailing for any help. One of our advisors will get back to you ASAP.
